Mirrored Fatality

mirrored fatality is a nonbinary Kapampangan-Pilipinx and Pakistani-Muslim performanceart duo Mango and Samar, sharing their rituals, altars, and medicine through DIT (Do ItTogether) experimental and healing noise punk. mirrored fatality creates their self-proclaimed“cocoon webs” combining performance art, music, spoken word, graphic design, film,photography, painting, drawing, upcycled garments, anti-imperialist education, and healingjustice practice spaces; mobilizing and bridging a transnational warrior community who responds urgently to transnational calls-to-action between Turtle Island, Kashmir, and Mindanao.

mirrored fatality weaponizes COCOON WEBS as a sonic metamorphosis container to a worldnumbing us with toxic forces. COCOON WEBS is a ferocious affirmation of chaos to harnessour ancestral power, primal spirit, collective fury, and interconnectedness to our multiverse.BLOOM, UTOPIA, INVALIDATION, and EARTHBODY(S) are restorative anthems to sustainus through the revolution.

BLOOM is about immersing ourselves in nature as we ground in our souls as bodies existing outside of isolation, capitalism, gender dysphoria, and the prison state. BLOOM was written together at the top of a mountain in Happy Valley in Tongva Land, so-called East Los Angeles at Sarita Doe and Champoy yurt dwelling ceremony. BLOOM unearths diasporic queer spirituality and harnesses our ancestral languages- Urdu and Kapampangan. BLOOM is a prayer to honor the bonds of our love that expands and brings regeneration into our multiverse. BLOOM is a spell to inspire deeper connections to our Earth and welcome in freedom and joy for ourselves and kin.


khush amreed aap kay saas mai
pakiramdaman me ing tibuk na ng pusu mu

we are blooming
we are growing
we are free
free free

you may try to clip our wings
but we are soaring
you may try to dim my light
but we are glowing

blooming and growing
and blooming and growing

and free
free free

appni jaan per bharosa karo
sumuku ka keng yakap na ng
yatu tamu

massage your back
sprout your wings
land on trusted hearts

your spirals and patterns
and colors can breathe
breathe breathe

we are blooming
we are growing
we are free
free free

laughing with terra firma
fingering your dark soil
opening mushroom portals
detoxing river waters
hissing logs
cleansing our demons
cleansing our demons

bathing in wind

healing from above
healing from below
healing from past
and present

mama earth
soul kin

ground us
ground us
ground us

Mirrored Fatality (2019)
Photo credit (Princess Amugo)

INVALIDATION is a primal outcry to constantly being romantically, culturally, + politically objectified + projected on. Our song honors as we shapeshift into our unapologetic wildness removed from the cis-male, white, colonial gaze, and even from our trans+queer kin who replicate these violent paradigms. Through our own reclamation, we will welcome in the space for other marginalized bodies, to heal and reflect on their INVALIDATION, creating a web of collective healing, catharsis,
and renewal.


Locked jaw, shackled in doubt
I wanna
spit fire,

bathe in ashes
pound my knuckles into concrete,
& snarl into oblivion

Do you want my destruction
As a reflection of your
untamed demons?
As evidence for forgiveness?
As penance?

My filth is raw,
but unapologetic.
Is this visceral cleansing not sparkly enough for you?

You know my love deserves forgiving,
but your fear scrubs my worth away

You desire me as a reflection of
What you want me to offer you A quick fix, a distraction
A spectacle for your lust

Do I turn you on?
Do you think I’m yours? Is this a game to you? Am I the grand prize?

A mirage, a fantasy, an image People clutch onto
You dont want the parts of me
You cant easily swallow

Maybe we are too much

Bursting at the seams
Ready to explode

I’m a bitch and I’m raging
I’m a bitch and I’m crying

I’m a tired bitch
A laboring bitch
A bad bitch
A divine bitch

Were bitches and were healing
And we’re still breathing

UTOPIA is a song that highlights the anger of existing in an unjust society. We know we cannot stay hopeless, so we must destroy systems that have never served the people and our Earth. As Mirrored Fatality we hope “UTOPIA” creates a moment for us to be angry so we can inspire each other to break the norms that society forces onto us, release our anger at these injustices, and bravely instead create our own moments of freedom - together. We recognize how both Mindanao and Kashmir are heavily militarized by the fascist governments of both India and Philippines so we weaponize our song “Utopia”as a way to create alliances and solidarity globally to uplift their resistance by mobilizing direct actions through bridging our beloved community of artists, organizers, and educators. Please check out the work of @standwkashmir and @liyang_network to learn more about Kashmiri occupation and land and environmental justice in the Philippines.


A dystopia, trailing behind us
Breathing down our necks
Suffocating our senses,
Crushing our shoulders with
hopeful obliteration

But lately, it stares straight into my third eye,
Focusing on my energies as a
scarlet target
Shooting daggers of paralysis
Begging us to stop.

Why envision the
Jet black & smoldering
Artificially intelligent & infertile
Apocalyptic &
ruthless future?

Can’t you see?
The dystopia is flying above us.

Polluting our minds,
Pushing against us.
Demanding our hopelessness.

Remove the Western 21st Century
Remove the Western 21st Century
Build Yourself
Build Yourself
Remember to Renew
Remember to Renew

See this toxic force field
Transcend the toxic force field

Look us in the eye
Look us in the eye

Do you really want
to be a winner here?
Do you really want
to be a winner here?


Look around.
Look around.Look each other
in the eye.
Look each other
in the eye.

Circle around.
Circle around.
Circle around.

Circle around.
Circle around.
Circle around.

They can’t reach us here.
Even when we leave here.

They can’t reach us here.
Even when we leave here.

Even when we’re not here.
Even when we’re not here.
Even when we’re not here.
Even when we’re not here.

Death drive
Death drive
Death drive
Death drive
Death drive
Death drive

Pushing us deeper into the holes
Sending signals of a void
Deep desires waiting to be saturated
Moving us
into entropy
Into chaos
Into demons
haunting us

Haints that
corner us

Haunt us
Haunt us
Haunt us

Subversion or reversion
Welcoming shadows
Stopping demons
Haunting us
Clawing our
gray matter
Turning us
Into dust
and decay

Blue screen
Blue screen
Blue screen
Blue screen
Blue screen
Blue screen


ClonesWho are we?


Hidden in the shadows
We feel claws
Digging into our skin
But we will not succumb
We will not be lost

Existence, reduction,
existence, reduction

Amulets of protection

To keep us from
The approaching chaos


We will not succumb
We will only destroy
Will you destroy with us?


News from Liyang Network Rolly Philippines typhoon report on 11.6.20 and arwah collective teach-in (5.15.20)

Power of the people don't stop chant from Covid-19 Rent Strike in front of Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti's house on Tongva Land organized by La Tenants Union, No Olympics LA, Sunrise Movement LA, People City's Council, Korea Town for All, Street Watch LA, and Crenshaw Subway Coalition (5.20.20)

Speech by Janaya the Future Khan from Black Lives Matter Los Angeles protest on Tongva Land at the Los Angeles Hall of Justice (7.8.20)

EARTHBODY(S) is our reflections from leaving the concrete jungle and surrendering to the abundance & love of the Earth to restore. EARTHBODY(S) is an immersive journey taking us through our disconnection to the Earth and guiding us and bridging us with our higher selves who have a strong and deep connection to the Earth. This song is a reminder of how we are stripped from our ancestral lands and pushed into urban landscapes and lose the relationship we are meant to have with our Earth.


Noise pollution
Chem trails
Toxic air

How much is left to repair?

Severed from
natural flow
Lost landless bodies

Pushed into highrises
Turning into robots
Numbed and Lost

We cannot eat money
We cannot drink oil

We fall asleep to lullabies of kkkops organized crime
Wake up with bombs in our faces
Toxins in our lungs
Teargas in our eyes
Plastic in our guts
Bruises on our hearts

Caged in concrete jungles
Cemented in the machine

Cant find ourselves (cells)
Cant find each other
All wrapped up in the
Death we feel
Loss we feel
Grief we feel

How can we find our voices in a designed void?
How can we find our voices in a designed void?

Earth vessels
Molded from mud and fresh water
Blood red as sunset

Suffering from greed
Isolated by hate

We are creating bridges
Between Earth and our souls
The spirits are protectors
They trust true intentions

We need to take time
to be in love
With each other
With earths embrace
And the way they
hold us

We must learn what it feels like
To be in the water again
Back in the soil again

Safe from all this distress
This mess We cant
wrap around our heads
This mess we analyze
Don’t you realize

All we need to do
Is go back to the Earth
Is go back to the Earth

Releasing the pain
Draining us everyday
Composting heaviness
Into new sproutsAnd be welcomed
into the wind
into the fire
And be reborn
And be reborn

Without the earth there is no us
Remember Remember Remember
Without the earth there is no us
Remember Remember Remember

We chose to be humans
In these Earthbody(s)
In these Earthbody(s)
In this Earth

These Earthbody(s)
Protecting Earth
Loving Earth
This Earth
This Earth
This Earth


Free them all chant, flute, and drums from Uniting to Protect Our Communities Free Them All Black and Brown Unity Drum Circle in front of Metropolitan Detention Center and 101 Highway Takeover organized by IPR HEALINARTZ SOUTHCENTRAL LA (6.13.20)

“No rent on tongva land,” and “Fight fight housing is a human right,” chants from Covid-19 Rent Strike in front of Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti's house on Tongva Land organized by Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, La Tenants Union, No Olympics LA, Sunrise Movement LA, People City's Council, Korea Town for All, Street Watch LA, and Crenshaw Subway Coalition (4.19.20 and 5.10.20)

“What do we want?” Climate justice chant from West Los Angeles Four Directions Climate Strike organized by International Indigenous Youth Council Los Angeles Chapter at Tongva Park in Tongva Land - so-called Santa Monica, California (1.24.20)

Speech from Earth Lodge Center for Transformation: Earth Speaks with Queen; Remembering George Floyd's Sacrifice & the Fires to Uproot & Alchemize Racism

Field recordings from animal kin and land work on Anishinabek nations land known as Philadelphia Community Farm in Osceola, Wisconsin from August to December 2020